Since the last post, Grace has gotten off the trail because she fell sick. Kristine has been hiking with us for a few weeks now and has received a trail name; QuickStick. She is doing great and keeping up with the crew and having a blast!! We are about 850 miles in and plan to be halfway there in a couple weeks!! We are slowing down a little on our mileage so that we can aqua blaze next week, (aqua blazes is getting up the trail by water...we are canoeing through the Shenandoah cool is that!!
We got to Waynesboro yesterday morning after a nice morning hike, and headed to Weasie's for some breakfast. Got nice and full and then we all headed to do our town errands. After that we met up with Boss who we hadn't seen for a week and got a hotel room with him.

Also, Lucy has been out here for around 250 miles and she is doing a great job!!! Everyone on the trail loves her and she is having the time of her life. We have had some problems with ticks, but we went to the Vet a few days ago and everything is gonna work out just fine!

Duchess, QuickStick, and I are in this next photo on top of McAfee's Knob. One of the more famous shots along the AT, we are overlooking beautiful Virginia. And although the Virginia blues are a true problem, it has been good to us and we are looking forward to moving on to the next state after conquering yet another!

This picture was taken at the shelter right outside of Daleville. It was Memorial Day Weekend and we celebrated with hobo dinners, wine and cheese. This is the crew that we have been hiking with for a few weeks now, and who are going aqua blazing with us next week. From Right; Olive Oil, Tarzan, Duchess, QuickStick, Ice, me (Not Bad), Boss and at the bottom is PigPen. It is a great group of people and we are all having a great time together.

So, have we told you guys about blue blazing yet? Okay well blue blazing is when you decide to take a side trial rather than taking the white blazes along the Appalachian Trail. Now this is bad news if you are a purist hiker, but who wants to do that when there are waterfalls, swimming holes and easier climbs on the blue blaze? This picture was shot along the Mau Har trail and it's me, Quickstick, Olive Oil and Duchess. It was a beautiful day and we had a great blue blaze adventure.
Well I think the next time we will be posting anything will be at our HALFWAY MARK!! We will be celebrating at Harper's Ferry but are hoping to take the train into Washington DC and explore our nation's cool is that?? Only $18 bus ticket to see everything our nation is about....Just hoping someone can take Lucy for the day! More to come soon and I hope everyone is doing great and having a safe and fun summer!!
Miss & Love you all,
Not Bad